Nature in Poland

Poland has interim climate where two dominant climate spheres clash: marine and continental. That is why the weather in the country is mostly topographical. The south tends to be very cool with heavy rain in opposition to rather mild north. Yearly temperature amplitude is somewhere around 5 and 9 Celsius degrees. Łódź, located in the heart of Poland, has moderate climate, typical for Polish lowlands.
Wildlife and plant life
Forests occupy almost 30% of Poland’s grounds. Just like the rest of the country, Łódź is struggling with environmental changes caused by our actions. However, it stoods out with its detailed research on local plant variety. Despite the rapid growth of the city in the XIX century and progressing urbanization, Łódź has 71,8% of species typical for central Poland, including 27 endangered species. Two reservations of nature in the city’s vicinity – Łagiewnicki Forest and Polesie Konstantynowskie – are areas of protection for the local wildlife. Around 9,2% of the city’s space is under preservance.

Time for greenery
Climate and the vegetative period for local plant life has had great importance on the date of the exhibition. Spring, Summer and early Autumn are the holiday time for children and youth attending schools. It’s also peak tourist season in Poland and the time when most of the festivals take place. EXPO in Łódź will become a part of this time of fun, happiness and living life to the fullest!