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What is the Zero Waste idea?

Consumer response to the rising piles of garbage.

The consumer lifestyle typical for the majority of society is conducive to environmental pollution. Bad consumer habits and rapidly changing trends aren’t helping the case. In short, zero waste is a way of life that minimizes the production of waste by humans. For many people it is a task that overwhelms their possibilities, but one should not be discouraged - changing way of living takes time, and you can start it with a few small habits.

Share your car

The idea of car-sharing or carpooling is not new, but in recent years its popularity has been increasing. It consists in the fact that several people share the car and travel costs, eg during everyday commuting to the same place of work. This not only reduces exhaust emissions but also increases road safety by reducing the number of vehicles.

Avoid plastic

Plastic is ubiquitous. To reduce its consumption, pay special attention to everyday situations: shop with your own reusable bag, do not order drinking straws in restaurants, limit or completely abandon the ordering of take-out food.

Do not buy online

Online shopping is a great convenience, but also the reason for the increased production of waste by households. It is better to do shopping directly in the store, to avoid additional packaging necessary to send the parcel by mail.

Stop chasing fashion

We live in the world of fast fashion, where stores every now and then introduce new clothes into their offer and encourage us to change wardrobe more often than needed. Making prudent choices in this matter will limit the pile of textile waste, as well as keep the money in your wallet.

Smart food shopping

Although consumer awareness is growing, there is still plenty of food littering. Before going to the supermarket, make a shopping list and stick to it without giving in to temptation. At home, every product should be used to the maximum. This will be helped by recipes for home meals, home composter, as well as initiatives to share food supplies with those in need.