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Carpooling - what is it and what are the advantages?

Carpooling - what is it and what are the advantages?

The idea of hitchhiking is well-known. Many generations have traveled this way. Previously it resulted from the need. Currently, many travelers decide on this form of transport because they seek adventure and want to gain new experiences. Often this is not only saving money, but the desire to meet new people and face the challenge. Not everyone knows that carpooling is more convenient because it does not require hours spent idly by the road.

Czym jest carpooling?

For this form of travelling you have to specify the pick-up and destination location, and also the price for getting from A to B. Most frequently offers are placed and searched for on social media (mainly Facebook) and websites (mainly BlaBlaCar). While it is true that the journey takes place with strangers, opinions about website users can be displayed on their profiles. Sometimes you can find really interesting people with funny, interesting or even shocking life stories. Many of them can also give good advice, which is not to be found in guidebooks. There are also many other advantages of such a solution.

Pros of modern hitchhiking

If we assume that four people want to travel the same route, each in their own car, air pollution and charges will be greater than if one of them transports four people. The driver shares the travel costs with the passengers, and the passengers often pay less than they would pay for traveling by bus or train. Such a journey is also faster. In addition, if the driver agrees, you can take your pet with you.

By choosing this form of travel, the planet also gains - we reduce carbon dioxide emissions and noise. Due to the reduced number of cars, traffic jams are also dropping while the availability of parking spaces is increasing. There are plenty advantages of carpooling! We hope that you have been encouraged to consider joint travel offers.