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Green stops – choice or necessity?

Green stops – choice or necessity?

Waiting for a bus seems an eternity during the summer, when temperatures exceed 30 degrees and the interior is hot. Fortunately, we can change that. Solution? Green stops. They are already in Białystok, and their construction is planned in many other Polish cities.

What are green stops?

Let’s explain what green stops are. Simply put, they are roofs covered with greenery – creepers and succulents. They beautify our concrete cities. In addition, they produce oxygen and reduce temperature. By providing shade, they create a place where you can relax.

The choice of plants and the whole architecture are not random. Plants located at the top are resistant to weather conditions and during rain they stop up to 90% of falling water, thus relieving the sewer system. Additional elements also retain water, later used by the creepers. The cost of placing and maintenance of a green stop is higher, but, given the above advantages, it is a beneficial investment. You can already see such stops in Białystok. They will appear in Warsaw in 2020.